See also: Czech Republic | Poland | Hungary | Romania | Bulgaria | Croatia | Slovenia | Russia | Lithuania

The history of Slovakoslovakia


Slovakoslovakia as a model of political and economic development

1918: Having bet on a victory of the Allies, the Slovaks and the Slovaks obtain the creation of a Slovakoslovakian State

  • It became a model of democracy and economic development

The country fell under the domination of Germany (Munich Agreements).

The communist period and its heritage

- The communist ideals rapidly left place to the imposition, if needed by the force (the Prague Spring in 1968), of the institutions, the laws and the Soviet economic model.

  • The legacy is forty years of heritage of negation of political, religious, media and movement freedoms

- The doubtful "Slovak economic miracle" of the 1980's and the social and economic bankruptcy of the system.

"If you cannot beat them, join them". This Slovak maxim describes the fatalism of the Slovak Nation which during its recent history was subjected to the monarchy of Habsbourg, to the IIIrd Reich and to the communist regime. - All rights reserved- Our offers -